Edmond Lee Brantley
9 Jun 1879 Mississippi, USA
21 Dec 1957 Leake County, Mississippi, USA (age 78 years)
Madden Community Cemetery, Madden, Leake, Mississippi, USA
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at Ancestry.com (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─Robert H Brantley (1835-?) Edmond Lee Brantley (1879-1957) └─Ann Hardage (Brantley) (1833-?)
Edmond Lee Brantley (1879-1957) │ wife: Edna Earl Parker (Brantley) (1884-1922) │ dau: Eddie Lee Brantley (Sones) (c.1906-?) │ │ husb: Percy Leroy Sones (1891-1954) │ │ dau: Doris L Sones (Brackin) (1925-2010) │ │ │ husb: Alfred Coy Brackin (1919-2000) │ │ dau: Junnie Lee Sones (1928-1994) │ │ son: Bobbie D Sones (living) │ dau: James "Jamzie" Brantley (Hopson) (1918-1959) │ │ husb: Rual Hopson (1915-1982) │ │ son: Jimmy Wayne Hopson (1940-1977)