Scott Lee's Family

This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).

Jason Wayne Garland
  • Parents
  • Ancestors
Birth: 21 Jun 1946 Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, USA
Death: 10 Dec 2022 North Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, USA (age 76 years)
Birth: 6 Mar 1949 Plattsburgh, Clinton, New York, USA
Death: 1 Mar 2008 Sherwood, Pulaski, Arkansas, USA (age 58 years)
Burial: Rest Hills Memorial Park, North Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, USA
      ┌─Ward Garland Sr (1840-1915)
    ┌─Columbus Christoper "Buddy" "C.C." Garland (1879-1969)
    │ └─Sophronia Nail (Garland) (1843-1922)
  ┌─Leo Garland (1903-1970)
  │ │ ┌─James Harrison Hughey (1866-1899)
  │ └─Lettie Melvina Hughey (Garland) (1883-1961)
  │   └─Fannie M Jones (Hughey) (c.1851-?)
┌─Leo Wayne Garland (1946-2022)
│ │   ┌─Clem B. I. Ambler (1850-1938)
│ │ ┌─Earl Montrose Ambler (1878-1933)
│ │ │ └─Anna A. Unger (Ambler) (1858-?)
│ └─Verna Ambler (Garland) (1915-1996)
│   │ ┌─Albert Milton Hanchey (c.1850-?)
│   └─Iona Marcella "Sella" "Zona" Hanchey (Ambler) (1884-1953)
│     └─Mary Elizabeth Coons (Hanchey) (c.1850-?)
Jason Wayne Garland (living)
│       ┌─Uriah Saville (c.1811-?)
│     ┌─Jacob William Saville (1858-1927)
│     │ └─Catharine // (Saville) (c.1811-1877)
│   ┌─Charles Omer Saville (1904-1970)
│   │ │ ┌─James P. Collis (c.1845-?)
│   │ └─Rosetta "Rosa" Collis (Saville) (1872-1919)
│   │   └─Carry Ann // (Collis) (c.1850-?)
│ ┌─Charles Robertson Saville (1928-1984)
│ │ │   ┌─James Robertson (c.1854-?)
│ │ │ ┌─Richard Isaac Robertson (1881-1946)
│ │ │ │ └─Mary Elizabeth Robinson (Robertson) (Pectol) (Roberson) (1864-?)
│ │ └─Geneva Robertson (Saville) (1901-1972)
│ │   │ ┌─James Roberson Sr (c.1842-?)
│ │   └─Lucy Jane Roberson (Robertson) (1874-1960)
│ │     └─Ann McCall (Roberson) (?-?)
└─Valarie Lea Saville (Garland) (1949-2008)
  │     ┌─John Fortino (?-?)
  │   ┌─Lazzaro Fortino (1869-?)
  │   │ └─Liva Jambarana (Fortino) (?-?)
  │ ┌─Cesare "Jesse" Fortini (1904-1976)
  │ │ └─Naczarena Fortino (Fortino) (c.1868-?)
  └─Evelyn Bernadette Badger (Saville) (Mathews) (1929-2014)
    │   ┌─Newell "Noe" Badger Sr (1836-c.1913)
    │ ┌─Newell Joseph Badger Jr (1877-1947)
    │ │ └─Julia Anna Relation (Badger) (1853-?)
    └─Lena May "Maizie" Badger (Tanner) (Shappy) (Fortini) (1911-2000)
      │ ┌─John Behan (?-?)
      └─Anna A. Behan (Badger) (Terrio\Ferrio\Terrier\Ferrier) (Obin) (1875-1945)
        └─Delia Pockette (Behan) (?-?)
  • Family
  • Descendants
Wife and children
Marriage: 19 Jan 2008
Jason Wayne Garland (living)
│ wife: Tania Cecilia Lewis (Garland) (living)