Scott Lee's Family

This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).

These are the people with the surname Clark:

Cleba V Clark (c.1905-?)
Clifford Clark (Nash) (Micklish) (1905-1980)
Cora C Clark (c.1902-?)
Donald D Clark (living)
James T Clark (c.1908-?)
Joseph E Clark (c.1910-?)
Julia Beth Clark (Hutto) (living)
Lawrence S Clark (c.1910-?)
Mary Clark (living)
Retha M Clark (c.1903-?)
Thomas Ewing Clark (1866-1932)
Thomas F Clark Jr (c.1900-?)
Thomas F Clark Sr (c.1874-?)
Willis G Clark (living)
Wilma Lorene Clark (Robertson) (1915-2008)