Scott Lee's Family

This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).

These are the people with the surname Bridwell:

David A Bridwell (1852-c.1901)
David Andrew Bridwell (1889-1957)
Earl James Bridwell (1913-1974)
George Stanley Bridwell (1909-1959)
Harry Albert Bridwell (1886-1953)
Henry Lee Bridwell (1880-?)
Jacquelin Bridwell (living)
Lavern Eloise Bridwell (Watson) (1920-2003)
Loretta B Bridwell (Nestor) (1888-1960)
Myrtle Bridwell (Nixon) (Kimball) (1884-?)
Nona Marie Bridwell (Yelick) (1912-2006)
Romona Bridwell (1908-1981)
Russell Irving Bridwell (1906-1965)
Theodore Lee Bridwell (1913-1999)