Arthur Warren Whitlock
24 Jul 1894 Meridian, Lauderdale, Mississippi, USA
29 Jun 1961 (age 66 years)
Oak Grove Methodist Cemetery, Meridian, Lauderdale, Mississippi, USA
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─William A Whitlock (1859-?) Arthur Warren Whitlock (1894-1961) └─Seabelle // (Whitlock) (1868-?)
Arthur Warren Whitlock (1894-1961) │ wife: Onie D // (Whitlock) (c.1898-?) │ wife: Jeffie Lee Yates (Whitlock) (1903-1928) │ son: J Laverne Whitlock (living) │ son: Leland P Whitlock (1923-1971) │ son: Arnold W Whitlock (1927-1968) │ │ wife: Kathleen A // (Whitlock) (?-?)