William Murdock Hollingsworth
8 Nov 1888 Mississippi, USA
4 May 1961 (age 72 years)
Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery, Decatur, Newton, Mississippi, USA
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at Ancestry.com (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─David Andrew Hollingsworth (1859-1928) William Murdock Hollingsworth (1888-1961) └─Sarah Jane Wilson (Hollingsworth) (1860-1929)
William Murdock Hollingsworth (1888-1961) │ wife: Georgia Ella Wyatt (Hollingsworth) (1891-1968) │ son: Benjamin David Hollingsworth (1910-1965) │ │ wife: Elaine // (Hollingsworth) (c.1906-?) │ │ dau: Clera Hollingsworth (living) │ │ dau: Glenda Hollingsworth (living) │ dau: Dorothy Marie Hollingsworth (1921-1991)