Lee Jessie Shrum Sr
17 Oct 1925 Salina, Mayes, Oklahoma, USA
19 Jan 2006 Tollhouse, Fresno, California, USA (age 80 years)
Reedley Cemetery, Reedley, Fresno, California, USA
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at Ancestry.com (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─Thomas P Shrum (c.1864-?) ┌─Ellis Franklin Shrum (1901-1983) │ └─Rosa // (Shrum) (c.1873-?) Lee Jessie Shrum Sr (1925-2006) │ ┌─James Melvin Giles Sr (1874-1966) └─Emma Alberta Giles (Shrum) (1904-1989) │ ┌─Michael Brown (c.1824-?) │ ┌─William A Brown (c.1847-?) │ │ │ ┌─Jacob Hammons (c.1794-?) │ │ └─Matilda E Hammons (Brown) (1823-1870) │ │ └─Mary B // (Hammons) (c.1804-?) └─Martha Ann Brown (Giles) (1874-1945) │ ┌─William Alexander Hutto (1817-1892) └─Elizabeth Jane Hutto (Brown) (1850-1900) └─Rosannah Spier (Hutto) (Hutto) (1825-1894)
Lee Jessie Shrum Sr (1925-2006) │ wife: Marjorie Barrack (Shrum) (1927-2011)