Scott Lee's Family

This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).

Emily Catherine Rose
  • Parents
  • Ancestors
Birth: (unknown date)
Death: (unknown date)
┌─Tim Rose (?-?)
Emily Catherine Rose (living)
│   ┌─Sam Vann (c.1908-?)
│ ┌─Billy Earl Vann (1938-2011)
│ │ └─Wilma Vonn (Vann) (living)
└─Penny Ann Vann (Rose) (living)
  │   ┌─John S. Lieblong (c.1880-?)
  │ ┌─George Lester Lieblong Sr (1907-1985)
  │ │ └─Suson Elena Henderson (Lieblong) (c.1882-?)
  └─Margaret Ann Lieblong (Vann) (living)
    │   ┌─Edmond C. "Edward" "Eli" Reynolds (1862-1906)
    │   │ └─Nancy // (1831-?)
    │ ┌─William Arthur Reynolds (1886-1915)
    │ │ └─Cara "Cora" Black (Reynolds) (1867-1958)
    └─Bessie Lucille Reynolds (Lieblong) (1908-2006)
      │   ┌─William Nash (?-1868)
      │ ┌─John Logan Nash (1862-1948)
      │ │ └─Mary Jane Lay (Nash) (Cavender) (1843-1914)
      └─Emmie Zettie Nash (Reynolds) (Dickens) (1885-1960)
        │ ┌─James Harrawood (1838-1921)
        └─Rosa A Harrawood (Nash) (1868-1942)
          └─Celinda Baugh (Harrawood) (c.1848-?)
  • Family
  • Descendants
Emily Catherine Rose (living)