Q. T. Adron Linn
30 Dec 1917 Morganton, Van Buren County, Arkansas, USA
1 Aug 2009 Damascus, Faulkner County, Arkansas, USA (age 91 years)
Hardin Cemetery, Van Buren County, Arkansas, USA
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at Ancestry.com (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─William Mitchel Linn (c.1888-?) Q. T. Adron Linn (1917-2009) └─Flora Linn (Linn) (c.1891-?)
Q. T. Adron Linn (1917-2009) │ wife: Clara Maxine Brown (Linn) (1923-2012)