Andrew William Hill Sr
24 May 1916 Aitkin County, Minnesota, USA
5 Jul 1982 (age 66 years)
Flatwoods Cemetery, Mountain View, Stone, Arkansas, USA
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─Charles Hill (c.1878-?) Andrew William Hill Sr (1916-1982) └─Ida W. Myllymakki (Hill) (c.1882-?)
Andrew William Hill Sr (1916-1982) │ wife: Rose Omagene "Jean" Saville (Douglass) (Hill) (1926-2008) │ son: John David Hill (?-?) │ son: Andrew William Hill (living) │ │ wife: Pat // (Hill) (?-?) │ son: Douglas Omer Hill (living) │ │ wife: Jan Elizabeth Flint (Hill) (living)