Dorothy Pennington (Wyatt)
27 Nov 1914 Newton County, Mississippi, USA
7 Nov 1993 Mississippi, USA (age 78 years)
Pine Bluff Cemetery, Pine Bluff, Newton County, Mississippi, USA
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─Virgil Pennington (c.1875-?) Dorothy Pennington (Wyatt) (1914-1993) └─Mettie // (Pennington) (c.1878-?)
Dorothy Pennington (Wyatt) (1914-1993) │ husb: Herbert Lee Wyatt (1913-1960) │ son: Jerry Wyatt (?-?) │ son: Hugh Ellis Wyatt (1936-1996) │ son: Hugh Lee Wyatt (living) │ son: James Albert Wyatt (1940-1940) │ dau: Alice Joy Wyatt (Ferguson) (Boone) (Harmon) (1943-2003) │ │ husb: Audrey Lee "Sonny" Harmon (1942-2008) │ │ husb: Marvin Paul Ferguson (1935-2002) │ │ husb: Boone (?-?)